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Home >  CSR >  Approach on environment

Approach on environment

ASTI achieved International Environmental Management Standard. (ISO14001) We also carry independent activities and endeavors to better the environment.

ISO14001 Certification

We have obtained ISO14001 certification for the design, development, and manufacture of automotive electrical components, communication devices, various control units, home appliances, molded products, wire harnesses, and medical equipment.

ISO14001 Certified factories

・Head office factory
・Hamamatsu factory
・Kakegawa factory
・Miyakoda factory
・Fukuroi factory

ISO14001 Certified overseas subsidiaries

・Hangzhou ASTI Electronics Co. Ltd.
・Zhejiang ASTI Electric Co. Ltd.

Environment Policy

ASTI Corporation recognizes its social responsibilities as a corporation and contributes to society. In addition, by continuously improving the environmental impact of all its business activities, it harmonizes with the global environment and earns the trust of its customers, local residents, employees, and other stakeholders.

  1. We will comply with environment-related laws, regulations, and other requirements, and will endeavor to protect the environment.

  2. In our business activities, we promote the procurement and purchase of raw materials, parts, and consumables with low environmental impact, and strive to develop, design, and manufacture environmentally conscious products. Continuously improve environmental conservation activities and prevent pollution.

  3. In order to promote this environmental policy, environmental objectives and targets shall be set for each facility and environmental management shall be promoted in all divisions. Environmental objectives and targets shall be periodically reviewed and revised as necessary.

  4. Always recognize the impact of business activities on the environment and address the following issues as priority issues. ①Reducing industrial waste
    ②Promote energy conservation
    ③Promoting environmental activities
    ④Promoting control of harmful environmental materials

  5. We will work to raise the awareness of all employees about environmental issues, actively participate in environmental conservation activities and community and social contribution activities, and contribute to local communities.

  6. The environmental policy shall be disclosed internally and externally and made available to the general public.